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TAKING STOCK assessment identifies gaps in fisheries transparency for Panama, shows need to implement the FiTI

02 March 2023. In its latest TAKING STOCK assessment of government transparency in marine fisheries, the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) evaluated the information that Panamanian national authorities make available to the public via government websites. The results clearly demonstrate the country’s modest performance; while certain information is published, the majority…


United States among top nations regarding transparency of fisheries management, new TAKING STOCK assessment shows

28 February 2023. In its latest TAKING STOCK transparency assessment, the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) evaluated the amount of fisheries information that national authorities in the United States (US) make publicly available via government websites. The assessment shows that the US fisheries sector is characterised by very high levels of…


First validation of Seychelles shows ‘meaningful progress’ in implementing the FiTI Standard

22 February 2023. The FiTI International Board has recognised Seychelles’ efforts to implement the FiTI Standard with a score of ‘meaningful progress’ in the first validation of the Indian Ocean archipelago. In its final Compliance Statement, which was published today, the Board congratulated Seychelles for this achievement, which demonstrates that…


Ecuador promotes fisheries transparency during 11th SPRFMO Commission Meeting

This Tuesday, 14 February 2023, the multi-stakeholder forum "Transparency for sustainable fisheries management: The FiTI experience in Ecuador" was held during the 11th Commission Meeting of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (COMM11) in Manta, Ecuador. The forum was organised by Ecuador's Vice-Ministry of Aquaculture and Fisheries, the Fisheries…