On World Ocean Day, FiTI announces start of online transparency assessment for Chile

Today, on World Ocean Day, the FiTI announced the start of its transparency assessment of publicly available marine fisheries information for Chile. As one of the leading fishing nations in the Americas, Chile becomes the sixth country in the region (and the 11th country globally) to undergo such a TAKING STOCK transparency assessments, after Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, the United States and Panama.
With its extensive coastline stretching over 6,000 kilometers and a diverse and thriving Exclusive Economic Zone spanning more than 3 million km2, Chile’s fisheries sector has been a vital resource for generations. In recent years, the government has made significant efforts to increase transparency within the sector – on a local level as well as on a global scale – to ensure the sustainability of this common resource.
Through this TAKING STOCK transparency assessment, the FiTI aims to support these efforts within Chile’s national fisheries management by examining the level of information that national authorities publish on government websites against its internationally recognised transparency framework, the FiTI Standard.
Conducted by the FiTI International Secretariat, the assessment will examine public access to information on 12 thematic areas of marine fisheries management. These thematic areas are further broken down into 39 individual transparency elements – ranging from fisheries laws and policies, up-to-date catch data, government revenues, to beneficial ownership.
Beyond simply considering if information is available online, this assessment will also look at the quality of government information, considering whether it is up to date and easy for people to find. The assessment will also document ‘good transparency practices’: instances where a government demonstrates innovative ways of communicating information and stimulating public debates. Such practices can inspire other nations to foster a culture of openness, stakeholder participation and accountability.
“By conducting the TAKING STOCK transparency assessment, the FiTI aims to support the Chilean government in better understanding the wealth of information they have shared with the public and identify areas for further improvement. Through this collaborative effort, the country’s path to sustainable fisheries management can be further strengthened, prioritizing the conservation and sustainable use of Chilean fisheries” noted Nicolás Rovegno, FiTI’s Regional Coordinator for Latin America.
It is expected that the findings from this TAKING STOCK transparency assessment will be published in Fall 2023.
The TAKING STOCK transparency assessment for Chile is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.