Progressive Improvement Tracker

Progressive improvement represents a key aspect of the FiTI implementation, as anchored in FiTI Principle 7 which stipulates: “Increasing transparency and participation must be feasible and introduced progressively in order to ensure the wide acceptance of this initiative.

In other words, the FiTI does not expect all countries to have complete data for every transparency requirement from the beginning. Instead, public authorities must disclose the information they have, and where important gaps exist, they must demonstrate improvements over time.

It is the responsibility of a country’s National Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) to agree jointly on recommendations for addressing such gaps, and for the FiTI country’s government to act on these recommendations.

Total number of recommendations issued by National Multi-Stakeholder Groups to their governments to improve transparency and participation in marine fisheries management:
Recommendations according to FiTI countries
Recommendations according to implementation status
Recommendations by thematic area of the FiTI Standard
ID Country FiTI Report Thematic area Recommendation Priority Due date (Year) Implementation status Description
1 Seychelles 2019 #1: National Fisheries Laws, Regulations and Policy Documents Determine and implement a publication strategy to ensure that all national and international fisheries laws, regulations and official policy documents are published online, up-to-date, easy to locate and searchable. High 2021 Completed All national and international fisheries laws, regulations and official policy documents are published online on the MOFBE website.
2 Seychelles 2019 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish a list of all fisheries permit holders (including for the sea cucumber fishery), with information on the type of permit they hold, fees which have been paid and the start and end date of their permit(s). High 2021 Completed This was published as part of the 2021 reporting process.
3 Seychelles 2019 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish online the rules and procedures for Seychelles-flagged vessels to obtain authorisations to fish in a third country or the High Seas, along with the reporting requirements and the provisions for terminating such authorisations. High 2021 In progress Published on the SFA website: application form, containing application conditions. Agreements will be introduced for Seychelles-flagged vessels which will include the oversight and reporting requirements.
4 Seychelles 2019 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Publish any assessment regarding compliance of fishing vessels with the terms and conditions set forth in their respective access agreement, once available. Medium 2021 Rejected No such assessments exist.
5 Seychelles 2019 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Publish the reports and the results of all stock assessments undertaken in the last four years on their website. High 2021 Completed All stock assessment reports from 2017 onwards are now published on SFA's website.
6 Seychelles 2019 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish an up-to-date, online registry of all Seychelles-flagged and foreign-flagged large-scale vessels authorised to fish in Seychelles' marine jurisdictional waters, and of all Seychelles-flagged large-scale vessels authorised to fish in third countries' marine jurisdictional waters and on the High Seas. The vessel registry must include all 14 vessel attributes, as defined in the FiTI Standard. High 2021 Completed Large-scale vessel registry published on SFA website in a spreadsheet format updated for 2021.
7 Seychelles 2019 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Link the up-to-date, online large-scale vessel registry, once published, to relevant parameters and conditions of the underlying licences (e.g. licensing period, fees paid, species to be taken, areas to be fished, etc.). High 2021 Completed Published vessel registry has licence payment information and (for Seychelles-flagged vessels) information on areas of the High Seas and third country EEZs where fishing is allowed.
8 Seychelles 2019 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish all missing information for catches, landings, transshipments from the industrial longliner fishery for 2019. High 2021 Completed This information was published online on the SFA website as part of the Semester 1 2020 Fisheries Statistical Report.
9 Seychelles 2019 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish data on discards from the industrial longline fishery disaggregated as per the FiTI requirements, and from the purse seine fisheries by port of unloading, and by species or species groups. Furthermore, a note should be added in the introduction of the Fisheries Statistical Reports to provide information on how discard data is collected by the authorities. High 2021 In progress Discards data published as part of the Fisheries Bulletin since 2020. This is not disaggregated by species as information is not provided in a consistent manner to SFA. There is no published information on how discard data is collected by the authorities.
10 Seychelles 2019 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Publish the total number of small-scale fisheries licences, and the total numbers of fishers engaged in the fishing sector, including gender information and whether fishers are engaged in full-time work, seasonal or part time fishing, occasional fishing or recreational fishing. High 2021 Completed SFA published on its website details as well as a summary table of the total number of small-scale fisheries licences issued in 2021. A summary table of the total number of fishers engaged in the fishing sector is also published but does not make a distinction between whether the fishers are part- or full-time.
11 Seychelles 2019 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Clearly state whether an informal fisheries sector exists in Seychelles. Medium 2021 In progress A statement on the existence of an informal fisheries sector in Seychelles from the government is included in the 2021 FiTI Report. However, it is not published on a website.
12 Seychelles 2019 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement Provide regular information on national strategies and activities applied to ensure compliance of fishing vessels and the post-harvest sector to MFBE, which will have the responsibility for publishing such information. Medium 2022 In progress Report on MCS activities is included in SFA’s Annual report.
13 Seychelles 2019 #9: Labour Standards Publish online an official summary description of national laws on labour standards applicable for national and foreign workers employed in the fishing sector at sea and in the post-harvest fisheries sector in Seychelles. High 2021 In progress A summary of the labour laws applicable nationally including in the fisheries sector, has been published on the Employment Department’s website. However, there is a significant number of fishing industry employees working in the ITZ to whom the Employment Act does not apply. Therefore, this summary is incomplete.
14 Seychelles 2019 #10: Fisheries Subsidies Publish online the 2017 report that reviewed subsidies provided to the artisanal fisheries sector which the SFA commissioned. Medium 2021 Completed The report is published on the SFA website e-library.
15 Seychelles 2019 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish a summary description of the different types of fisheries that exist in Seychelles, and their corresponding licence arrangements. The National MSG encourages the national authorities to utilise the summaries provided in this FiTI Report as a starting point for this aspect. High 2021 Completed A summary description of fisheries tenure arrangements has been published in the form of an FAQ on the SFA website.
16 Seychelles 2019 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish in the Official Gazette the fees that need to be paid for all types of fisheries rights existing under the law. This also includes changes to current fee structures. High 2021 Completed The fees to be paid as part of fisheries rights are published in the summary of local fisheries licences on the SFA’s website. There is no requirement for the fees to be gazetted.
17 Seychelles 2019 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Publish online all foreign fishing access agreements and associated protocols. In case an agreement or expectation of confidentiality exists between the parties to an agreement, these agreements must be made public within 3 years from becoming a FiTI Candidate country (i.e. in Seychelles' case, latest until March 2023). High 2021 Completed All foreign fishing access agreements and associated protocols without confidentiality clauses have been published on the SFA website. SFA has also published a summary of the foreign fishing access agreements that do not contain confidentiality clauses.
18 Seychelles 2019 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Publish online all studies or reports that have been undertaken by national authorities or foreign parties related to the evaluation or oversight of the foreign fishing access agreements signed by Seychelles. High 2021 Completed The three reports related to the evaluation or oversight of the EU/Seychelles fishing agreements are published on the SFA website.
19 Seychelles 2019 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Publish on the SFA website any future fish stock assessment programmes the SFA is planning to undertake, and the research that is needed to support these assessment. High 2021 Completed The programme of future stock assessments up to 2024 is published on the SFA website.
20 Seychelles 2019 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish online any national evaluations or audits of the economic, social and food security contributions of the large-scale fishing sector, once available (e.g. the upcoming study on employment in fisheries). High 2021 Completed Information on revenue generated by large-scale fisheries and contribution to the country’s foreign exchange is published in SFA’s annual report.
21 Seychelles 2019 #9: Labour Standards Obtain and publish information from the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs on offences committed by employers in the fisheries sector, as well as mitigating actions taken. High 2021 In progress The Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs recorded 3 labour offences and 3 grievances committed by employers in the fisheries sector in 2021. The information has been published in the FiTI Report.
22 Seychelles 2019 #11: Official Development Assistance Publish an up-to-date list of fisheries-related public sector projects, funded by bilateral, multilateral and private donors. This list should include information on the projects value, purpose and outputs, as well as corresponding project evaluations, if applicable. High 2021 Completed SFA compiled an inventory of fisheries-related public sector projects funded through ODA. It was published on the SFA website during the 2021 FiTI reporting process.
23 Seychelles 2019 #12: Beneficial Ownership Follow up with the committee working on beneficial ownership declaration in the fisheries sector and determine a policy on beneficial ownership declarations for the sector. This should be based on a participatory and transparent process, involving all interested bona fide stakeholders from government, industrial and artisanal fishing, and civil society. High 2021 Rejected No such committee exist.
24 Seychelles 2019 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish on the SFA website, on an annual basis, all payments (e.g. for fishing licence, certificate of authorisation, excess catch, and environmental fee) on a per vessel basis made by large-scale fishing vessels, including the four information requirements of the FiTI Standard. High 2022 In progress Fishing licence payment information is available per vessel in the Vessel Registry. Information on excess catch and the environmental fee is published in the 2021 SFA Annual Report but is not disaggregated by vessel although the information is available in disaggregated form to the SFA.
25 Seychelles 2019 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Publish information from previous (prior to 2019) and recent national stakeholder consultations undertaken with respect to the preparation, negotiation or monitoring of foreign fishing access agreements. Medium 2022 Rejected All fisheries agreements have been renegotiated and came into force from 2021 onwards. There are no records of stakeholder consultations for any of these. The last to be renegotiated is the agreement with Don Wang Industries, which will come into force in 2024. All agreements last 6 years, which means that this recommendation will remain unimplemented potentially until the next round of renegotiations in 2026/27.
26 Seychelles 2019 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Prepare and publish a periodic report (e.g. biennially) on the state of the main commercial fish stocks in Seychelles. High 2022 In progress This should have taken place in 2021 but has not started. Report on MCS activities is included in SFA’s Annual report.
27 Seychelles 2019 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Set up an online database containing annual retained catches and transshipments and landings at local and foreign ports, disaggregated by flag state, species or species groups, gear type and catch location (national waters, third country waters, High Seas) in order for interested stakeholders to obtain detailed information on catch data. Low 2022 In Progress FIMS, 1st Phase launched in 2023, provides some information on licenses, economic contribution of fisheries, annual catch volume, export and imports and fisheries management regulations, however it is still WIP.
28 Seychelles 2019 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish annual summaries of the socio-economic contribution of the large-scale fishing sector. High 2022 Completed Information on revenue generated by large-scale fisheries and contributions to the country's foreign exchange is published in SFA's Annual Report.
29 Seychelles 2019 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Publish annual summaries of the socio-economic contribution of the small-scale fishing sector. High 2022 In progress Three studies on the socio-economic contribution of the small-scale fishing sector are now published on SFA website, one each relating to the small- scale longline fleet, sea cucumber fishery and industry and sport and recreational fishery. No annual summary has been published yet.
30 Seychelles 2019 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Ensure that annual information on the quantity of fish and fish products produced, as well as information on imports and exports, are published online in a timely manner. Such information should be disaggregated by species, as well as the country of destination/origin. Medium 2022 In progress Quantity of fish and fish products and fish imports and exports were published in the 2021 SFA Annual Report. Exports were presented by value and quantity and disaggregated by country of destination. Information is not disaggregated by species.
31 Seychelles 2019 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement Publish offences in the fisheries sector in a timely manner. This should include the name of the company or vessel owner, the nature of the offence and the penalty imposed. Medium 2022 In progress During the 2021 FiTI reporting process, SFA published the list of convictions and offences in the fisheries sector for 2020 and 2021 on its website. Information on the nature of the offence and the penalty imposed is included along with the vessel name. The name of the vessel owner is not included.
32 Seychelles 2019 #10: Fisheries Subsidies Information on the types, values and recipients of government financial transfers or subsidies to the fisheries sector in Seychelles (both large-scale and small-scale fisheries) should be published, in particular regarding fuel subsidies, which is the main type of subsidies provided to the fisheries sector in Seychelles. High 2022 Completed Information on the value of ice and fuel subsidies only to the small-scale sector is published in the 2021 SFA Annual Report. Information on other subsidies to the small-scale fisheries sector is not published. MoFBE has confirmed that no subsidies are provided to the large-scale fisheries.
33 Seychelles 2019 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Publish annual employment information regarding Seychelles commercial fisheries sector, disaggregated by gender and sub-sectors (e.g. industrial and artisanal fishing). Medium 2023 Open
34 Seychelles 2019 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement Prepare and make available to MoFBE the financial and human resources deployed by the government to ensure compliance with national and international legislation in the fisheries sector (at least on an annual basis). MoFBE will be responsible for publishing such information. Medium 2023 In progress Report on MCS activities is included in SFA’s Annual report.
35 Seychelles 2020 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Make it clear that the SFA can authorise its staff to issue fishing licences/permits (this recommendation replaces a previous recommendation requesting the SFA to gazette the names of the people authorised to issue fisheries licences. This is not feasible due to high staff turn-over in Seychelles national authorities). High 2022 Open Still outstanding
36 Seychelles 2020 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Update the section on the SFA website concerning Certificate of Authorisations to include information on the fees that are charged for such authorisations, in addition to the reporting requirements and the provisions for terminating such authorisations. High 2022 Completed A sample of the Sustainable Fisheries Agreement signed with management companies of Seychelles-flagged vessels, is published on the SFA website. It contains provisions for reporting and termination of authorisation.
37 Seychelles 2020 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Prepare and publish on the SFA website the mandatory administrative procedures required to evaluate applications of different types of fishing vessel licence and fishing activity licence, the nature of any oversight or public consultation processes involved and the appeals process in case of refusal. High 2022 Open Still outstanding
38 Seychelles 2020 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Ensure that in the future all foreign fishing vessels licenced to fish in Seychelles waters do so only under an official signed agreement. High 2022 Completed The Seychelles' government negotiated new agreements with TTA and TFI and companies owning Seychelles-flagged vessels which will be signed and published in 2022 and become effective in 2023. The government indicated that following this, all fishing vessels, foreign- or Seychelles-flagged, licenced to fish in Seychelles' waters, will do so under an agreement.
39 Seychelles 2020 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Put in place a strategy to review the implementation of all foreign fishing access agreements, including an assessment of compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreements, and make publicly available a report containing the findings. Medium 2023 In progress An exercise to assess the implementation of the fishing agreements with Mauritius and the EU started during the 2021 FiTI reporting process.
40 Seychelles 2020 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Put in place a campaign to raise awareness of the stock status of fisheries that are under threat of overfishing. High 2022 Completed The outcome of the stock assessments of lobster and sea cucumber has been shared with stakeholders in these two fisheries.
41 Seychelles 2020 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Establish and publish online a research plan to collect required data on vulnerable species for stock assessment purposes. High 2023 Open There is no update yet.
42 Seychelles 2020 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Provide biannual updates on the stock status of the main species targeted by the small-scale fisheries. High 2024 Open
43 Seychelles 2020 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Keep the large scale-vessel registry continually updated, at least on a quarterly basis, and ensure that all information required is available for each vessel licenced to fish in Seychelles waters. This should be done through the update of the licence application form and for SFA to ensure that all information is provided before issuing licences. Medium 2022 In progress The published large-scale vessel registry is not updated quarterly but rather at the end of a calendar year. Information on the tuna quota and vessel beneficial owners is still missing.
44 Seychelles 2020 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Cross-check and verify that the legal owner of the vessels recorded in the vessel registry are accurate and ensure that information of the owners address and nationality is provided. High 2022 Completed All information on the legal owner of vessels on the vessel registry is provided along with nationality and address.
45 Seychelles 2020 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Officially pronounce the licence fee for large-scale joint-venture fishing vessels. Medium 2023 Completed The fees are published through the Sustainable Fisheries Agreement with Seychelles-flagged vessels published on SFA’s website.
46 Seychelles 2020 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Devise a strategy to ensure that the Fisheries Statistical Reports are published in a timely manner so that data on catch, effort, landing and transshipment are more accessible. Medium 2023 In progress The 2021 Fisheries Statistical Report and SFA Annual Report were both published during the 2021 FiTI reporting process which improved availability of validated information. However, there were issues with the technology and reporting of data for the artisanal fishery, which meant incomplete data for that fishery.
47 Seychelles 2020 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Put in place an online system for making available data on catch, effort, landing and transshipment so that the data can be more easily interpreted and can fulfil all FiTI requirements that are possible. Medium 2023 Completed This has started. More data is now published in the Fisheries Statistical Report.
48 Seychelles 2020 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Undertake a study to determine the economic, social and food security contribution of the small-scale fishing sector. Medium 2023 In progress Two studies were published in 2021 relating to the sea cucumber and the semi-industrial fisheries.
49 Seychelles 2020 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Publish the data on catches in the sea cucumber and lobster fishery as part of the SFA Fisheries Statistical Report. High 2022 Completed 2021 catch data on the sea cucumber and lobster fisheries is published in the 2021 Fisheries Statistical Report.
50 Seychelles 2020 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Work between the SFA and the Fish Inspection and Quality Control Unit (FIQCU) of the Seychelles Bureau of Standards (SBS) should be carried out to ensure that more disaggregated data is available on the export of fish. This should also include disaggregation of export by species and those being exported as by-catch. High 2023 Open
51 Seychelles 2020 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Work between the SFA and the Ministry of Health should be carried out to collect and make available data related to dive accidents in the sea cucumber fishery. High 2022 Open
52 Seychelles 2020 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Publish on an annual basis a report to provide data on the economic contribution of fisheries in Seychelles. High 2023 In progress
53 Seychelles 2020 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement Prepare and implement a clear strategy for the enforcement of fisheries regulations in the small-scale fisheries, large-scale fisheries and to deter IUU fishing. This strategy should however not be made publicly available. Medium 2024 In progress Work started on the preparation of a National Plan of Action (NPOA) Against Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) Fishing. In 2022, SFA secured funds under the EcoFISH programme to complete this and write it into policy.
54 Seychelles 2020 #9: Labour Standards Work towards the domestication of the ILO Work in Fishing Convention. High 2024 In progress A gap analysis has been done and validation workshops held. The Competent Authority to lead the implementation of this exercise is still to be decided.
55 Seychelles 2020 #10: Fisheries Subsidies Provide on an annual basis a breakdown of total fuel subsidies provided to the different types of fisheries. High 2022 Completed
56 Seychelles 2020 #12: Beneficial Ownership Update the Fisheries Act to put penalties in place for operators not providing beneficial ownership information for vessels licenced to fish in Seychelles’ waters. High 2023 In progress
57 Seychelles 2021 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish key information in a summarised form on all active fishing agreements. High 2023 Completed Payment information is included on the 2022 database for licencees in the small-scale fisheries sector.
58 Seychelles 2021 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Institute and publish a plan to evaluate each fishing access agreement at least once every three years. Medium 2024 Open
59 Seychelles 2021 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Ensure that by December 2023, all industrial vessels fishing in Seychelles waters including Seychelles-flagged vessels, do so subject to an agreement. High 2023 Completed New fishing agreements were negotiated with TTA and TFI effective January 2023. Sustainable fisheries agreements have been signed with all management companies of Seychelles-flagged vessels effective January 2023. The agreement with Dongwon Industries becomes effective in 2024.
60 Seychelles 2021 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Update the fish stock status summary published on the SFA website annually and latest at the same time the SFA sends its report to the IOTC. High 2024 Open
61 Seychelles 2021 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Capture information on gender during annual registration and licence renewal of fishers. Medium 2023 Completed Gender information was available for all licensees, boat owners, divers and fisherman on the 2022 database published on the SFA website during this FITI reporting process.
62 Seychelles 2021 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Publish licence payment information for all sub-sectors in the small-scale fisheries sector (in addition to licence information). Medium 2023 Open
63 Seychelles 2021 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Publish a statement on the reason for collecting statistics or publishing studies on the species and volumes of fish discarded in the small-scale sector in the annual Fisheries Statistical Report, as is done for catch and discard information for the other fisheries. Medium 2023 Completed The SFA included a note in the 2022 Fisheries Statistical Report explaining that there are no discards in the artisanal fishery as the fish that are not sold are used as bait or are kept for own consumption by the fishers.
64 Seychelles 2021 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Given the importance of fisheries in providing quality jobs, conduct a census of persons employed in the fisheries sector or other exercise to obtain a fair estimate of the number of persons employed in the fisheries sector. High 2025 Open
65 Seychelles 2021 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement Publish an up-to-date record of convictions and major offences in the fisheries sector over the last 5 years indicating the name of the company or vessel owner, the nature of the offence and the penalty imposed. High 2023 In Progress During the 2022 FiTI reporting, SFA published records of convictions and major offences in the fisheries sector for 2020 to 2023 (4 years). The name of the vessel owner is not included.
66 Seychelles 2021 #9: Labour Standards Advocate for the Seychelles' government to allocate resources to evaluate labour standards applicable in the fisheries sector. High 2023 Open
67 Seychelles 2021 #11: Official Development Assistance Advocate for the rest of the government of Seychelles for updated information on overseas development assistance to government entities to be published in a central place, for example as an addendum to the budget book. High 2024 Open
68 Seychelles 2021 #12: Beneficial Ownership Review the SFA licence application forms to ensure that information on beneficial ownership is captured for all licencees, in compliance with the Fisheries Act and the Beneficial Ownership Act. High 2023 In progress Beneficial ownership information is captured for all small- scale licensees. In 2022, several initiatives started to address the disclosure of beneficial ownership information in the fisheries sector. A gap analysisi was conducted and work started on the development of a regulatory framework for joint ventures. The review of the Fisheries Act and Fisheries Regulations is expected to address the issue of disclosure of beneficial ownership in the sector.
69 Seychelles 2021 #12: Beneficial Ownership Advocate for policy review in relation to the implementation of the Beneficial Ownership Act in order to allow beneficial ownership information related to fisheries businesses, contained in the central registry of beneficial owners maintained by FIU, to be made public. High 2023 In progress A gap analysis on beneficial ownership in the fisheries sector was undertaken in 2022 and the results will inform the review of the Fisheries Act and Fisheries Regulations.
70 Mauritania 2018 #1: National Fisheries Laws, Regulations and Policy Documents Develop and publish online a structured and orderly summary document of all fisheries laws and regulations including a summary of each text and the link to the websites where it is published. Medium 2024 Completed The registry is developed and published online on the FiTI-Mauritanie website. Link:
71 Mauritania 2018 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish on the website with summary descriptions of the different types of fishing in force in Mauritania written by the MSG. Medium 2024 Completed The GMN has drawn up summaries of the different types of fishing in Mauritania. These summaries are published on the FiTI-Mauritanie website (
72 Mauritania 2018 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Issue decrees specifying the conditions of exercise of the different types of fishing in accordance with article 14 of the Decree of application of the Maritime Fisheries Code. Medium 2025 Open Decree No. 159-2015 announced decrees that the Authority should issue to clarify the conditions of exercise of the different types of fishing. These orders have not been issued yet. The GMN is still waiting for the Code to be revised before asking for the decrees to be issued. The GMN and the Ministry in charge cannot implement this recommendation alone. This recommendation was renewed in 2020 and MPEM felt that the ongoing revision of the Maritime Fishing Code and its implementing legislation could address this recommendation.
73 Mauritania 2018 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Evaluate and publish the various Foreign Fishing Access Agreements. Medium 2022 Completed The MSG considers this recommendation to be fulfilled with its 2019 -2020 FiTI Report.
74 Mauritania 2018 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Publish on the government website the evaluation conducted by the EU and related to the Protocol of Application of the Fisheries Agreement for the period 2015-2019. Medium 2022 Completed The MSG considers this recommendation to be fulfilled with its 2021 FiTI Report.
75 Mauritania 2018 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Share politically important information in a timely manner to enable public debate. Medium 2021 Completed The MSG considers this recommendation to be fulfilled with its 2019 -2020 FiTI Report.
76 Mauritania 2018 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish an up-to-date online Register of all large-scale fishing vessels (Mauritanian- or foreign-flagged) authorized to fish in Mauritania's EEZ, covering the 14 attributes of the FiTI Standard. High 2024 Open The register exists, but there are still attributes to be completed. The available list is published on the FiTI Mauritania website. There is also the problem of the duration of Large scale vessel licenses, which is divisible (the question arises of how to take this into account in the register).
77 Mauritania 2018 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish annual information on payments made by large-scale fishing vessels for their fishing activities on a per vessel basis. High 2025 Completed Payment by exploitation regime is published through the reports of the Technical and Scientific Committee (CTS) and bulletins of the Economic and Social Observatory of Fisheries (OESP). The need to reinvigorate the Technical and Scientific Committee (TSC) to continue having information on this format was however stressed by the MSG.
78 Mauritania 2018 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish information on the annual catches recorded in the EEZ of Mauritania by group of species and by type of concession. Medium 2025 Open Information is published by access regime, concession and flag. The presentation by fishing agreement remains.
79 Mauritania 2018 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish annual information on landings in national ports as well as on transshipments at sea or landings in foreign ports foreign ports in accordance with the FiTI Standard. Low 2021 Completed Only the percentages are accessible and have been published on the FiTI Mauritania website. The MSG considers this recommendation to be fulfilled with its 2019-2020 FiTI Report.
80 Mauritania 2018 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Strengthen the observation on board on board fishing vessels to have regular regularly to have information on discards at sea. Medium 2022 Rejected In 2022, five (5) scientific observation missions were carried out, including two (2) on board Russian-style industrial pelagic trawlers, a single mission for shrimp fishing and two (2) for inshore pelagic fishing. The number of missions carried out remains insufficient to estimate the level of discards by fishery. This inadequacy is linked to difficulties in getting scientific observers on board (reluctance on the part of shipowners, financial implications). Recommendation abandoned in 2022
81 Mauritania 2018 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish available information on discards from high seas fishing vessels provided by the Scientific Observer Program set up by IMROP. Medium 2021 Completed The MSG considers this recommendation to be fulfilled with its 2019 -2020 FiTI Report.
82 Mauritania 2018 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Continue the process of developing the listing of active artisanal fishing boats along the Mauritanian coastline and publish it online. High 2022 Completed A list of licensed small-scale fishing vessels is published on the FiTI-Mauritania website for coastal and artisanal fishing.
83 Mauritania 2018 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Gather information on small-scale fishing vessel payments. Medium 2025 Open The list of small-scale vessel licenses is available and published, but not the list of individual payments; global payments are also published.
84 Mauritania 2018 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Provide information on artisanal fisheries discards (e.g. total volume studies). Low 2021 Rejected The IMROP scientific observation program does not cover the artisanal fishery insofar as the conditions on board the pirogues do not allow for boarding and the fishing gears are considered selective. This recommendation was abandoned in 2021.
85 Mauritania 2020 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Develop a system for collecting information on the quantities of fish processed (artisanal and industrial) and sold at the national and foreign levels as well as on the number of jobs generated by the post-capture sector. Medium 2025 Open There is an application, but it does not work. The question is how to institutionalize it at the level of the CTS (quarterly meetings) beyond the Ministry (Central Bank, National Statistics Office, Customs, etc.).
86 Mauritania 2020 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement Integrate the fishing professionals in the boarding commission in the same way as the other actors of the fisheries sector. High 2026 Completed Commission reviewed and chaired by the SG of the MPIMP, with the defendants or their representatives present during arbitration. The NMSG considers that this recommendation has been implemented in its FiTI 2021 report.
87 Mauritania 2020 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement Collect and publish information on compliance with labor standards legislation in the fisheries sector. High 2025 Completed Information is published in FiTI reports on the FiTI Mauritania website.
88 Mauritania 2020 #10: Fisheries Subsidies Collect and monitor information on subsidies granted to the fisheries sector (industrial coastal and artisanal) including fuel subsidy. High 2025 Withdrawn The NMSG has clarified that there is no fishing subsidy. Rather, there is a fuel price stabilization mechanism set up by the FNP on the basis of an agreement.
89 Mauritania 2020 #11: Official Development Assistance Establish and publish a list of all projects being implemented with respect to both fisheries and marine conservation. High 2024 Completed A list is already published in the FiTI report on the FiTI Mauritania website. But this list seems incomplete
90 Mauritania 2020 #12: Beneficial Ownership Establish a public register of beneficial owners in the Mauritanian fisheries sector for vessels and plants. High 2025 Withdrawn Information on owners is provided through the DMM register published online. There is as yet no text on the incorporation of beneficial ownership in company declarations. Information on beneficial owners is not collected by the country.
91 Cabo Verde 2022 #1: National Fisheries Laws, Regulations and Policy Documents Determine and implement a publishing strategy to ensure that all official national and international fisheries laws, regulations, and policy documents are published online, up-to-date, easy to find, and searchable. Medium 2025 Open
92 Cabo Verde 2022 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Carry out new stock assessment studies in order to have more up-to-date information that reflects today's reality and publish on the website the reports and results of all stock assessments carried out in the last five years. Medium 2026 Open
93 Cabo Verde 2022 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Create conditions to have observers on board or other alternatives, to be able to collect discard data from the national and foreign fleet, as it is not being properly monitored and registered by national authorities. Medium 2025 Open
94 Cabo Verde 2022 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Separate statistical data on semi-industrial and industrial fishing landings, in order to have better information processing. High 2026 Open
95 Madagascar 2022 #1: National Fisheries Laws, Regulations and Policy Documents Update the 'lettre de politique bleue' (expired in 2019) as well as the inter-sectoral policy letter and the 'Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries' sector policy (expired in 2020). [tbc] [Not specified] [Not specified] Open
96 Madagascar 2022 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish a brief description of laws and decrees concerning fisheries tenures, in accordance with section B.1.2 of the FiTI Standard. [tbc] [Not specified] [Not specified] Open
97 Madagascar 2022 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Publish on the website of the Ministry all foreign fishing access agreements, in accordance with section B.1.3 of the FiTI Standard. [tbc] [Not specified] [Not specified] Open
98 Madagascar 2022 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Obtain the necessary resources (material, technical, financial and human) and collate data concerning stock status, biomass and fishing pressure. [tbc] [Not specified] [Not specified] Open
99 Madagascar 2022 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish a complete registry for large-scale fishing vessels that covers all of the 14 vessel attributes required by section B.1.5 of the FiTI Standard. [tbc] [Not specified] [Not specified] Open
100 Madagascar 2022 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish payment for large vessels according to type of payments and orgin (e.g. flag State). [tbc] [Not specified] [Not specified] Open
101 Madagascar 2022 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish catch information on retained catches by vessels flying the Madagascar flag fishing in Madagascar waters (EEZ). [tbc] [Not specified] [Not specified] Open
102 Madagascar 2022 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Obtain the necessary resources (material, technical, financial and human) and collate data concerning small-scale fisheries, such as number of fishers, data concerning payments and catches, or assessments or audits on the contribution of the artisanal fishing sector to food & nutrition security. [tbc] [Not specified] [Not specified] Open
103 Seychelles 2022 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements The MFBE must include public consultation as part of the process to prepare, negotiate and monitor foreign fishing access agreements and publish the outcome of these. High 2027 Open
104 Seychelles 2022 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements SFA should consider having a media page, similar to the one maintained on the MFBE website, to capture all events initiated by the SFA including workshops and other outreach activities. Media items should be dated and presented in chronological order and the platform should support searches of entries from previous periods. High 2025 Open
105 Seychelles 2022 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements SFA should systematically publish basic information relating to the various stakeholder engagement events it hosts. At the very least, the agenda, list of participants, presentations made to stakeholders should be published. A summary of the issues raised by stakeholders would also improve understanding of stakeholders’ level of engagement. High 2025 Open
106 Seychelles 2022 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources The SFA must develop a communication strategy that provides for communication channels to disseminate stock status information to meet the specific needs of its various stakeholders, taking into consideration that not all of its main stakeholders are able to access information electronically High 2027 Open
107 Seychelles 2020 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries SFA should put in place an online system for making available data on catch, effort, landing and transshipment so that the data can be more easily interpreted and can fulfil all requirements of FiTI that are possible. Medium 2023 In progress SFA launched FIMS in 2023. However, some of the data do not meet the FiTI standards e.g. information on industrial vessels.
108 Seychelles 2022 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries SFA should work with the Seychelles Ports Authority to ensure that by December 2024, information on transshipment and landing fees is transmitted to SFA on a per vessel basis. Medium 2025 Open
109 Seychelles 2022 #9: Labour Standards The Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs should update the summary of labour laws published on its website to take into consideration the provisions of the ITZ (Employment) Regulations, which in the fisheries sector is important, because of the large fisheries and fisheries-related companies operating in the ITZ. Medium 2025 Open
110 Seychelles 2022 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement The MFBE should commission a comprehensive study to identify the activities being undertaken by national authorities to ensure compliance of fishing vessels and the post-harvest sector with Seychelles legislation and the financial and human resources deployed to achieve this. High 2026 Open
111 Ecuador 2023 #1: National Fisheries Laws, Regulations and Policy Documents Update the repository of fisheries regulations to ensure it is permanently complete and updated. High 2024 Open
112 Ecuador 2023 #1: National Fisheries Laws, Regulations and Policy Documents Implement usability improvements in the repository of regulations (filters, categories, summaries, downloads, years, etc.). High 2025 Open
113 Ecuador 2023 #1: National Fisheries Laws, Regulations and Policy Documents Integrate and consolidate secondary regulations from other sectors into the repository, relevant to the fisheries legal framework (e.g., Galapagos regulations, RFMOs resolutions, environmental authority, maritime authority, port authority, etc.). Medium 2025 Open
114 Ecuador 2023 #1: National Fisheries Laws, Regulations and Policy Documents Improve the dissemination methods of regulations and ensure they are complete and easily accessible. Medium 2025 Open
115 Ecuador 2023 #1: National Fisheries Laws, Regulations and Policy Documents Publish all fisheries management plans (action plans, management plans, non-detriment findings) and carry out participatory evaluations. Medium 2025 Open
116 Ecuador 2023 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish a description of the procedures related to the access regimes to fishing in (continental) Ecuador. High 2026 Open
117 Ecuador 2023 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish updated rates for payments related to services and procedures. Medium 2024 Open
118 Ecuador 2023 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish ministerial agreements and other administrative acts that grant access and establish conditions for extractive activity. High 2025 Open
119 Ecuador 2023 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish records of permits and licenses issued for sport fishing (with and without spearfishing) and scientific research fishing, with information on the conditions (year, classification, target species, etc.). High 2025 Open
120 Ecuador 2023 #2: Fisheries Tenure Arrangements Publish the records referred to Galápagos regulations, which are publicly accessible and allow for external oversight of access rights. High 2025 Open
121 Ecuador 2023 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Publish records of vessels authorized to fish under charter and association contracts, along with their respective authorizations and permits. Medium 2025 Open
122 Ecuador 2023 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Publish records of Ecuadorian-flagged vessels authorized to fish in the waters of third countries and RFMOs, along with their corresponding authorizations and enabling titles. Medium 2025 Open
123 Ecuador 2023 #3: Foreign Fishing Access Agreements Implement electronic records related to charter and association contracts (Art. 27, num. 7 of the Fisheries Law Regulation) and fishing vessels (Art. 27, num. 3 of the Fisheries Law Regulation). Medium 2026 Open
124 Ecuador 2023 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Publish the evaluations conducted (independently or collaboratively) on various resources (both population-level and biological and ecosystem monitoring), along with the methodologies and data used, and authorized research in Galápagos. High 2025 Open
125 Ecuador 2023 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Develop dissemination mechanisms for research and evaluations tailored to the different audiences in the fisheries sector, in a context-appropriate manner (e.g., an annual report on the state of the resources). Medium 2026 Open
126 Ecuador 2023 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Develop mechanisms and strategies for the exchange and validation of scientific research information for official use. Medium 2026 Open
127 Ecuador 2023 #4: The State of the Fisheries Resources Publish a short, medium, and long-term research plan on fisheries resources to identify priorities. High 2025 Open
128 Ecuador 2023 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Update and compile a single registry of industrial vessels with historical information on the national fleet, leased, associated vessels, etc. High 2025 Open
129 Ecuador 2023 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish disaggregated information on revenue from services and procedures in industrial fishing, including payments by vessels, among others. Medium 2025 Open
130 Ecuador 2023 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Publish data on catches (target and bycatch), landings, transshipments, discards, fishing effort, etc., in line with the FiTI Standard. High 2025 Open
131 Ecuador 2023 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Review catch/landing data in relation to common and scientific names. Medium 2025 Open
132 Ecuador 2023 #5: Large-Scale Fisheries Develop mechanisms to generate information regarding the economic, social, and food security contributions of the fisheries sector. Medium 2026 Open
133 Ecuador 2023 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Update the registry of artisanal vessels and fishers, with historical information, including details on their authorizations, payments, catches (target and/or bycatch), and other associated information based on the Electronic Records. High 2025 Open
134 Ecuador 2023 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Review the numbers of artisanal fishers and vessels, considering the existence of various information sources (e.g., DIRNEA, artisanal sector, civil society, etc.). High 2026 Open
135 Ecuador 2023 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Publish information from the Artisanal Fishing Registry (from Galapagos), at least concerning fishers, vessel owners, and artisanal vessels. High 2025 Open
136 Ecuador 2023 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Compile information on catches/landings (target and/or bycatch) and publish it through the most suitable mechanisms for different users. Medium 2025 Open
137 Ecuador 2023 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Compile information on payments and procedures related to the fisheries sector and publish it through the most suitable mechanisms for different users. Medium 2026 Open
138 Ecuador 2023 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Develop mechanisms to collect information on species discards for both the continental and insular zones, with the support of IPIAP and the corresponding entities. Medium 2026 Open
139 Ecuador 2023 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Evaluate the relevance of implementing mechanisms and actions related to species discards (in Galapagos). Medium 2025 Open
140 Ecuador 2023 #6: Small-Scale Fisheries Develop mechanisms to generate relevant information or evaluations about contributions to the fisheries sector (e.g., fisheries census, as per the fourth transitory provision of LODAP, among others). Medium 2025 Open
141 Ecuador 2023 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Publish data on fishing operations (landings, processing, commercialization) in a sequential and chronological manner, detailing characteristics of "productive establishments" (e.g., vessel type, species, weights, location, etc.), under the framework of electronic records for processing plants and fishing operations. High 2026 Open
142 Ecuador 2023 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Coordinate with the competent authority to disaggregate employment figures (both formal and informal) in the continental and insular fisheries sector by gender and other demographic details. High 2025 Open
143 Ecuador 2023 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Publish data on the registry of traders, landing monitoring certificates, movement guides, and other documents related to the custody chain. High 2025 Open
144 Ecuador 2023 #7: Post-Harvest Sector and Fish Trade Coordinate with the relevant authorities to disaggregate imports, exports, and movements with more detailed information on species and product origin (e.g., whether the product originates from Galápagos or another province in Continental Ecuador). Medium 2026 Open
145 Ecuador 2023 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement Develop a mechanism (e.g., an annual report or data observatory) to disseminate information related to resources (human and financial) and monitoring, control, and surveillance actions (number of inspections, etc.). High 2025 Open
146 Ecuador 2023 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement Implement a registry of administrative infractions in the fisheries sector (e.g., the Electronic Record of Infractions). High 2026 Open
147 Ecuador 2023 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement Implement a registry of administrative infractions related to the environment in the fisheries sector. High 2026 Open
148 Ecuador 2023 #8: Fisheries Law Enforcement Coordinate with the judicial authority regarding the publication of a registry of fisheries and/or environmental crimes. High 2026 Open
149 Ecuador 2023 #9: Labour Standards Coordinate with the labor authority to provide an accessible summary of relevant labor regulations for the fisheries sector. Medium 2025 Open
150 Ecuador 2023 #9: Labour Standards Coordinate with the labor authority for the publication of a registry of labor sanctions, including those infractions related to the fisheries sector. Medium 2025 Open
151 Ecuador 2023 #9: Labour Standards Coordinate with the labor authority for the publication of information on labor inspection efforts and results (e.g., an annual report on inspections by sector, including fisheries, infractions, human/financial resources, etc.). Medium 2026 Open
152 Ecuador 2023 #10: Fisheries Subsidies Identify, in coordination with the relevant institutions, the existing incentives in the fisheries sector and systematize the related information. Medium 2025 Open
153 Ecuador 2023 #10: Fisheries Subsidies Implement monitoring and control mechanisms for existing incentives in the fisheries sector (Art. 52 of the Fisheries Law). Medium 2026 Open
154 Ecuador 2023 #10: Fisheries Subsidies Coordinate with the Galápagos Governing Council to identify existing incentives in the fisheries sector (Art. 59 Galapagos Organic Law and Art. 5 of the Galapagos Organic Law Regulation). Medium 2025 Open
155 Ecuador 2023 #10: Fisheries Subsidies Coordinate with PetroEcuador to compile information related to fuel subsidies, related to prices, volumes, and amounts for the fisheries sector. Medium 2026 Open
156 Ecuador 2023 #10: Fisheries Subsidies Coordinate with the public finance governing body to disaggregate subsidies for fisheries development in the annual Budget and Subsidies report. Medium 2025 Open
157 Ecuador 2023 #11: Official Development Assistance Improve the filters in the ODA disbursement list, in coordination with VAP, to include categories of fisheries and marine conservation projects (for example). Medium 2025 Open
158 Ecuador 2023 #11: Official Development Assistance Implement mechanisms to conduct evaluations of ODA projects and interventions. Medium 2026 Open
159 Ecuador 2023 #11: Official Development Assistance Publish information on the plans, programs, projects, and technical assistance under its execution (both public investment, cooperation, etc.), as well as the results and achievements. Medium 2025 Open
160 Ecuador 2023 #12: Beneficial Ownership Evaluate the mechanism for incorporating beneficial ownership information as a requirement in applications for enabling titles. High 2025 Open
161 Ecuador 2023 #12: Beneficial Ownership Determine and implement mechanisms for publishing the beneficial ownership of the various authorizatios granted, in compliance with regulations on access to information and confidentiality. Medium 2025 Open
Country FiTI Report Thematic area Priority Due date (Year) Implementation status

  • A country's government is not obliged to implement recommendations from its National MSG. It must, however, respond to each recommendation, even if it rejects the proposal from the National MSG.
  • A government’s progress regarding implementation of the National MSG’s recommendations is documented in the country's subsequent FiTI Reports.
  • The FiTI Standard does not set out a specific timeframe for improvements to occur, as this is highly dependent on each country’s context and situation. It is the National MSG that states its expectations as to when a recommendation should be addressed by the government.
  • The Progressive Improvement Tracker is only updated after the publication of a new FiTI Report. So far, the following 8 FiTI Reports have been included:
    • Cabo Verde: 2022
    • Madagascar: 2022
    • Mauritania: 2018, 2019-20, 2021
    • Seychelles: 2019, 2020, 2021
  • The FiTI International Secretariat does not independently verify whether recommendations have or have not been fully completed. The implementation status of recommendations is principally documented by the Report Compiler as part of their responsibilities when preparing a FiTI Report. However, if the FiTI International Secretariat finds compelling evidence that contradicts the information the Report Compiler receives from the government, this is noted in the ‘Description’ field.

Version: 1.1 (last updated: 6 March 2024)