News, Updates, Blogs

‘TAKING STOCK – Online Transparency of Fisheries Management Information’ assessments in Latin America

The FiTI has announced that it will support fisheries authorities in Mexico, Ecuador and Peru in their transparency efforts by conducting a comprehensive baseline assessment of the level of public information available on their marine fisheries sectors. Since January 2020, the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) has been making significant efforts…


SwAM initiates study on economic benefits of government transparency in marine fisheries management

Gothenburg/Sweden. The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM) recently announced the start of a study that seeks to analyse market and non-market based benefits to incentivise governments to proactively publish information on marine fisheries management. According to Ms. Ylva Mattsson, Senior Analyst of Fisheries Management at SwAM and…


tBrief #05 – Corruption in fisheries: Transparency to the rescue?

Corruption is a critical problem for many sectors. However, corruption in fisheries is given surprisingly limited attention in international debates on fisheries reforms. Fisheries can be portrayed as a highly lucrative and competitive sector, that is increasingly regulated, relies on third-party agents, has complex global value chains that span multiple authorities, countries…


New video explains FiTI Standard

The FiTI Standard defines for the first time what information on fisheries should be published online by public authorities! It comprises 12 transparency requirements, such as laws, permits, fishing access agreements, stock assessments, financial contributions, catch data, and subsidies. The FiTI Standard is the outcome of extensive discussions, spanning nearly…


Expression of Interest: FiTI implementation partners for Mauritius and São Tomé and Príncipe

Under the project 'Support for increasing transparency and multi-stakeholder collaboration in fisheries management among four Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Africa', financed by IrishAid, the FiTI seeks to engage reputable non-governmental organisations in Mauritius and São Tomé and Príncipe. Fisheries are critical for the development and well-being of SIDS,…


FiTI conducts first country mission to Guinea-Bissau to explore interest in joining the FiTI

A joint country mission between the FiTI International Secretariat and its regional partner organisation ‘Regional Partnership for Coastal and Marine Conservation’ (PRCM) was conducted to Guinea-Bissau in January 2021 to explore with national stakeholders the possibility of the country increasing transparency in fisheries management by joining the FiTI. During this…


Irish Aid supports FiTI to increase transparency in four African SIDS

11 November 2020. Irish Aid approved today a grant to the FiTI for increasing transparency and multi-stakeholder collaboration in fisheries management among four Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Africa: Cabo Verde, Comoros, Mauritius, and Sao Tomé and Principe. Sven Biermann, Executive Director of the FiTI International Secretariat stated that…