This timeline displays major FiTI events, starting from the two-year global consultation process to develop the FiTI Standard (2015-2017), through the institutionalisation of the FiTI as a non-profit association in the Seychelles, and now to the present day, where countries continue to join and implement the FiTI Standard.
Each event provides additional information by clicking on the event’s header. For a country-specific implementation timeline please visit the dedicated country page.
‘High-level conference on transparency and sustainable development in Africa’ in Nouakchott/Mauritania calls for the establishment of a global fisheries transparency initiative
International Advisory Group conducts its 1st meeting in Berlin/Germany, hosted by the Berlin Governance Platform
International Advisory Group conducts its 2nd meeting in Rome/Italy, hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Government of Mauritania hosts the 1st International FiTI Conference in Nouakchott/Mauritania
International Advisory Group conducts its 3rd meeting in Nouakchott/Mauritania, hosted by the Government of Mauritania
International Advisory Group conducts its 4th meeting in Madrid/Spain, hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment of Spain
International Advisory Group conducts its 5th meeting in Gothenburg/Sweden, hosted by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
Government of Indonesia hosts the 2nd International FiTI Conference in Bali/Indonesia
FiTI International Board grants Candidate Country status to Mauritania
The FiTI is legally registered as a non-profit association in Seychelles
Government of Seychelles and the FiTI sign a 10-year Headquarter Agreement
Government of São Tomé and Príncipe announces its commitment to join the FiTI
FiTI International Board grants Candidate Country status to Madagascar
FiTI International Board grants Candidate Country status to Cabo Verde
FiTI International Board recognises Seychelles’ implementation efforts as ‘meaningful progress’
FiTI International Board recognises Mauritania’s implementation efforts as ‘meaningful progress’
FiTI International Board grants Candidate Country status to São Tomé and Príncipe
FiTI International Board delisted Senegal due to failure of implementing the FiTI Standard
São Tomé and Príncipe’s Multi-Stakeholder Group publishes its 2023 FiTI Report
FiTI International Board recognises Seychelles’ implementation efforts as ‘compliant’