São Tomé and Príncipe celebrate publication of first FiTI Report

São Tomé and Príncipe’s National Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) celebrated the nation’s first FiTI Report at a seminar on 19 February in São Tomé City. The report, which was first published online at the end of 2024, covers fisheries information from calendar year 2023.
Report Highlights
This report provides stakeholders in São Tomé and Príncipe with a complete overview of the country’s fisheries legal framework. The report also includes summarized documents detailing access to different types of fisheries, the associated fees and charges, as well as a list of large vessels, including the total number, name, characteristics, and flag state. Additionally, it also yields information on catches, fishing efforts, and the fees collected from licenses issued for large vessels authorized to operate in the waters of São Tomé and Príncipe.
Despite these achievements, the report highlights several areas that require improvement. One example is the collection of timely data on catches and fishing effort in small-scale fisheries, which still lacks greater accuracy and punctuality. Improving the collection and analysis of data on the social and economic benefits of fishing is essential to better understand the broader impact of the sector.
Another key challenge is the assessment of fish stock units. There is a clear need for regular reports that summarize information and assessments on the status of fish stocks for commercially traded species in São Tomé and Príncipe. It is also crucial to develop a fisheries management plan that sets measures for more sustainable resource management. The publication of fishing agreements and contracts with third-party countries requires greater transparency. Additionally, transparency regarding financial support to the sector is a critical aspect, with recommendations for publishing details on direct financial transfers and subsidies granted to fishing operators.
Seminar on Fisheries Transparency
The seminar was attended by around 70 participants, including the Minister of Fisheries, Mr Nilton Garrido de Sousa Pontes, the Minister of the Environment, Mrs Nilda Borges da Matta, the senior representative of the Minister of Finance and Economy, Mr Gareth Guadalupe, the Regional Secretary for Biodiversity, Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Julio Pereira Mendes, representatives from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA) Project funded by the World Bank, the Infrastructure Rehabilitation for Food Security Support (PRIASA) Project, funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB), and dozens of non-governmental organisations based in the country, as well as fishermen and fish vendors’ associations (palaiês) representing the fishing communities of São Tomé and the Island of Príncipe.
The seminar was opened by Mr Nilton Garrido Pontes, who reaffirmed the government’s commitment to promoting transparency and inclusive governance across all sectors of the country’s life. Mr Pontes put particular emphasis on the fisheries sector, considering the importance of the sea and the sustainable management of its resources in the country’s development strategy, as São Tomé and Príncipe have approximately 160 times more sea territory than land area.
He congratulated the National MSG and the FiTI International Secretariat for this extraordinary achievement and assured them that the partnership will continue, and that the government of São Tomé relies on collaboration to meet the challenging task of developing the country without jeopardising the sustainability of its resources. Minister Pontes also requested to partner with the FiTI International Secretariat to hold a roundtable with national and international development partners to discuss and join efforts to improve fisheries management, transparency and good governance.
All participants renewed their commitment to strengthening collaboration. They also ensured that the 28 actions to improve fisheries transparency – recommended to the government by the MSG – would be implemented.
Prior to the seminar, the FiTI Regional Coordinator for Lusophone Africa, accompanied by the National Secretary and the National Focal Point, met with the new Minister of Fisheries, Mr. Nilton Garrido, the WACA Project Directorate, the FAO offices, and the Ambassador of Brazil to discuss the report and mobilise partnerships to help the country continue improving the institutional capacity of its fisheries sector, as well as enhance the benefits for coastal communities and the national economy.
The full report for São Tomé and Príncipe can be found here.