Author: Sven Biermann

Ghana not data deficient, but shows significant transparency deficits for its marine fisheries sector, new assessment shows

26 April 2023. In its latest TAKING STOCK transparency assessment, the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) evaluated the amount of fisheries information that national authorities in Ghana make publicly available via government websites. Based on the requirements of the FiTI Standard, this assessment reviewed transparency across 12 thematic areas of marine…


FiTI International Board sees ‘meaningful progress’ of FiTI implementation in Mauritania

14 April 2023. As part of the country's first validation, the FiTI International Board determined that Mauritania has made ‘meaningful progress’ in implementing the FiTI Standard during December 2018 until March 2022. The Board congratulates Mauritania for this achievement, which demonstrates that significant aspects of the validation requirements have been…


United States among top nations regarding transparency of fisheries management, new TAKING STOCK assessment shows

28 February 2023. In its latest TAKING STOCK transparency assessment, the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) evaluated the amount of fisheries information that national authorities in the United States (US) make publicly available via government websites. The assessment shows that the US fisheries sector is characterised by very high levels of…


Call for 2022 membership election to the FiTI association

The Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) is expanding its membership and is looking for 12 new members who are passionate about shaping the global agenda for transparency and multi-stakeholder participation in fisheries management. The FiTI is established as a collaborative effort among different stakeholders from governments, business, and civil society. Their…


Small-scale fisheries organisations call on governments to be transparent and accountable in fisheries management

8 June 2022. On the occasion of the World Oceans Day, several small-scale fishers organisations from Africa (CAOPA, CANCO, FPAOI), the Pacific (LMMA), South (CONAPACH) and Central America (RAMPR), and Europe (LIFE, Aktea) call on governments and their partners to build resilient small-scale fishing communities by developing national strategic plans…


CAOPA and LMMA International make clear recommendations to increase fisheries transparency at OACPS meeting

05 April 2022. The African Confederation of Artisanal Fisheries Professional Organisations (CAOPA) and the grassroots network LMMA International called on member states of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) to increase their efforts in increasing transparency in fisheries management. At the 7th meeting of OACPS Ministers in…