Author: Nicolás Rovegno

FiTI visits Chile and participates in the 3rd Latin American Fisheries and Aquaculture Summit

The International Secretariat of the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) visited Chile during October to participate in the 3rd Latin American Fisheries and Aquaculture Summit, which was organized by the Mexican Council for the Promotion of Fishery and Aquaculture Products (COMEPESCA) and the National Fisheries Society of Chile (SONAPESCA). The event…


TAKING STOCK: FiTI initiates its online transparency assessment of fisheries management information for Panama

As part of its global efforts to deepen public understanding of how different governments around the world approach transparency in fisheries management, the FiTI announced today the start of its assessment of publicly available marine fisheries information in Panama. Serving as a bridge between the Pacific and the Atlantic ocean,…


Latin America’s first TAKING STOCK assessment: Government transparency in the marine fisheries of Peru

Lima, 27 April 2022. Today, the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) launched the findings of its first TAKING STOCK assessment for the Latin American region, evaluating public access to marine fisheries management information in Peru. Conducted in collaboration with WWF Peru, the assessment examines the level of information that Peru’s national…


Ecuador joins FiTI!

11 March 2022. Ecuador sets a new precedent by becoming the first country in Latin America to join the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI). This public commitment was announced today by the Vice-Minister of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Andrés Arens J.D., at an event organized by the Ecuadorian Government in the city…