2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Launching a new era of transparency and participation in fisheries

INDONESIA – 27 April 2017. The 2nd International Conference of the Fisheries Transparency Initiative, hosted by the Government of Indonesia, launched a new era of transparency and participation in fisheries through the adoption of the first FiTI Standard (see here) and the launch of the first FiTI International Board (see here).
On the invitation of H.E. Susi Pudjiastuti, Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia, more than 200 participants from government, industry, small-scale fishing associations, civil society organizations, academia and media met in Bali.
“Indonesia is proud to be hosting this important conference, which marks a milestone of the Fisheries Transparency Initiative. Our country supports this initiative. With a coastline of over 80,000 kilometres, Indonesia needs to empower coastal communities to protect their marine ecosystems. Enhanced information about who fishes what in our waters will significantly support our measures to combat fisheries crimes”, said H.E. Susi Pudjiastuti.
Together with Indonesia, four other pilot countries (Mauritania, Senegal, Seychelles, Guinea) have already begun laying the foundations to start the implementation process for the FiTI in accordance with the national laws and policies of each respective country. Representatives from these countries emphasised the progress made in preparing for FiTI implementation and reiterated their commitment to the FiTI.
The conference also included an announcement from the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Seychelles, H.E. Michael Benstrong, who conveyed the willingness of the Government of the Seychelles to host the FiTI International Secretariat.
More information regarding the 2nd International Conference of the FiTI can be accessed here.