Author: Nancy Ng Ping Cheun

FiTI initiates transparency assessment of Indonesian marine fisheries management

A text box and the Indonesia flag cropped to a circle, all resting on a background of blue connected dots. The text title reads "TAKING STOCK:Online Transparency of Fisheries Management Information. Assessing the level of information that Indonesia's national authorities publish on government websites regarding the country's marine fisheries sector.

The Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI), in partnership with the Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative (IOJI), has begun its national transparency assessment of marine fisheries management in Indonesia to enhance local and global understanding on the levels of public access to fisheries information. The ‘TAKING STOCK – Online Transparency of Fisheries Management…


TAKING STOCK: FiTI initiates online transparency assessment of fisheries management information for China

The Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) has initiated today a TAKING STOCK assessment for China to strengthen global understanding of transparency in marine fisheries management. As the thirteenth country to undergo such an assessment, China will benefit from a complete review of publicly available information regarding the country’s marine fisheries sector…


TAKING STOCK: FiTI initiates online transparency assessment of fisheries management information for Viet Nam

In an effort to support national authorities and other interested stakeholders in Viet Nam enhancing public access to fisheries management information, the FiTI announced today the start of its ‘TAKING STOCK – Online Transparency of Fisheries Management Information’ assessment for the country’s marine fisheries sector. Located in South Asia on…


TAKING STOCK: FiTI initiates its online transparency assessment of fisheries management information for the United States

The Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) announced today the start of its assessment of publicly available marine fisheries information in the United States of America, as part of its global efforts to deepen public understanding of how different governments around the world approach transparency in fisheries management. With one of the…


TAKING STOCK: FiTI initiates online transparency assessment of fisheries management information for Mauritius

The Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) announced today the start of its transparency assessment of publicly available marine fisheries information in Mauritius, with the goal of strengthening national and regional understanding and appreciation of the sector’s contributions. An island state located off the eastern coast of the African continent, Mauritius possesses…


Launch of world’s first TAKING STOCK assessment: Government transparency in marine fisheries of Bangladesh  

30 March 2022. Today, the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) has launched the findings of its inaugural TAKING STOCK assessment, which focuses on Bangladesh and stands as the first in a series of national studies of government transparency in global marine fisheries set to be published over the coming years. The…