TAKING STOCK: FiTI initiates online transparency assessment of fisheries management information for Viet Nam

TAKING STOCK: FiTI initiates online transparency assessment of fisheries management information for Viet Nam

In an effort to support national authorities and other interested stakeholders in Viet Nam enhancing public access to fisheries management information, the FiTI announced today the start of its ‘TAKING STOCK – Online Transparency of Fisheries Management Information’ assessment for the country’s marine fisheries sector.

Located in South Asia on the eastern border of the Indochina peninsula, Viet Nam boasts a diverse marine ecosystem with over 11,000 distinct species. Within the country’s waters, various fish species are caught through marine capture fisheries.

In recent years, the government has expressed its commitment to developing the fisheries sector and maximizing its potential, particularly through fish product exports, while ensuring sustainable outcomes for both the small- and large-scale sectors. However, Viet Nam’s marine fisheries face significant resource pressures. Consequently, measures have been proposed to address this issue, including the enhancement of fisheries data and the implementation of a coordinated and integrated approach that encompasses resource management and new governance structures.

Enhancing transparency is therefore a critical step in improving fisheries governance in Viet Nam. Through this TAKING STOCK assessment, the FiTI will provide the national authorities of Viet Nam and relevant stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of the types of information already published in the public domain and where enhancement opportunities exist. The results will also establish a credible baseline, against which improvements can be demonstrated over time.

In more detail, the assessment will evaluate the types of marine fisheries management information that national authorities publish on their websites according to the 12 thematic areas of the FiTI Standard. A total of 39 individual transparency elements will be assessed, ranging from the publication of national laws, fisheries management plans, vessel registries to fisheries subsidies, and beneficial ownership information. Beyond simply considering if this information is available online, the assessment will also look at the quality of government information, considering whether it is up-to-date and easy for people to find.

These findings will then inform actionable recommendations aimed at improving public access to fisheries information and supporting the government’s effort for sustainable marine fisheries management.

The results of this TAKING STOCK assessment will be published in the first quarter of 2024.

The TAKING STOCK assessment for Viet Nam is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.