
The Republic of Ecuador has been a FiTI Candidate Country since December 2022.

With a coastline of almost 3,000 km, Ecuador’s marine fisheries sector plays a pivotal role in fulfilling the economic, employment, food security, and nutrition needs of its citizens.

Ecuador is also the 6th largest fishing nation in Latin America and the Caribbean (based on catch volume, 2022) and the 2nd largest exporter of fishery commodities in the Americas, after Chile.

FiTI Lead Ministry:Vice-Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture
FiTI National Lead:Mr Isidro Andrade
Head of FiTI National Secretariat:Mr Hugo Andrés Chávez Corral
Contact within the FiTI International Secretariat:Mr Nicolás Rovegno

Implementation timeline


Government of Ecuador announces its commitment to join the FiTI

Candidate Country

FiTI International Board grants Candidate Country status to Ecuador

Candidate application

The FiTI International Board approved Ecuador’s Candidate application on 5 December 2022. The official documents were submitted by Mr Andrés Arens Hidalgo, then Vice-Minister of Aquaculture and Fisheries in Ecuador on 24 November 2022.

FiTI Reports

Ecuador’s first FiTI Report, covering calendar year 2022, is due by 31 December 2023. However, the FiTI International Board approved Ecuador’s request to extend the deadline of its 1st annual FiTI Report from 31 December 2023 to 31 May 2024.


Not applicable yet.

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